Request a User Account


If you have never signed up for an account, click Request User Account. Your default password will be automatically generated by Whalen when you request a user account. You will receive an email from system when your account is approved. After receipt of this email, log in with the temporary password and the program will prompt you to reset your password.


To request a new user account click the Request User Account link from the login page.


You will be redirected to the Request User Account page where you will be asked to provide the basic information necessary to create your account.

Fill in the information highlighted in red and click the Request Account button. An e-mail will be sent to Whalen and once your account is approved you will be provided with a temporary password that you can use to login the first time.


Once your request is submitted you will receive a message similar to the following.



When your account is approved you will receive an e-mail regarding the process of logging on to the system for the first time.


Security Note:  Your password is securely encrypted in the database and cannot be read by others.