Find Parts by Order Number
Users may search the Parts Store by using a previous order number. This allows users to view all of the parts (where possible) of a specific order. For example, if the user knows that a unit was originally part of a specific order number, the user may enter the order number, locate the part number associated with the order and place an order for the part specified.
Select the Equipment Order Number radio button to have the system search by order information instead of part number.
Enter a complete or partial order number in the Order Number text box and click the Search button. Order numbers typically contain numeric characters only although they may contain alpha characters in certain circumstances. The system will always perform a wild card search based on the information entered. For example, if you enter an order number of 201 the system will return orders 2011, 2012, etc. The more characters you enter the more refined the search criteria. See the figure below for an example.
The results returned by the system display two orders (2011097 and 2012129) that match the search criteria.