Submitted Orders


Once an order has been submitted, it has been released to the factory for completion. An example of a submitted order is shown below.


The order page is divided into three sections:


·Order Information

·Order Detail



Order Information


The Order Information section contains information that describes the order. Information such as the order type, sold to and ship to information as well as the shipping parameters are contained in this section. Below is an example of a submitted order.


Because the order has been submitted, most of the information contained on this page is read only. The only modification that can be made to an order in this state is the selection of partial shipping options. Representatives can choose between two partial shipping options. Each one is explained in the table below.


Option Name


Do Not Partial Ship

If this option is selected Whalen will only ship when all the items in the order are available to ship. This may delay the shipping of items if any of the items in the order are on backorder or are delayed. Whalen will wait until all items are available to ship before sending any of the items.

Partial Shipping OK

If this option is selected Whalen will ship items as they become available. When ordering multiple items this will generally result in the fastest shipping times but may result in more than one shipping event. This may end up costing more since multiple shipments may be made. If all the items are in stock at the time of order submittal shipping will be combined when practical.


The only other option available in this section is the  icon. Clicking this enables users to print a copy of this order to any of their available print devices.


The  icon provides additional help or information. Roll your mouse cursor over the icon to see additional information related to the field or topic.



Order Detail


The Order Detail section displays a list of all of the items that have been added to the order. This list represents the parts that the representative wishes to order. An example is shown below along with an explanation of each of the columns.






Clicking the view icon redirects your browser to the parts information page where more detailed information is displayed. Please see help topic entitled Parts Information for Part Number for more details.


Deletes the item from the parts order. Note! If the order has already been submitted the system will display an error message informing you that you cannot alter a submitted order.

Line #

A numeric value that represents the item. Increments from 1 and is used to identify the item in the order.


Allows the user to make adjustments to the number of items being ordered. Note! If the order has already been submitted the system will not allow you to make adjustments to the number of items.


Specifies the part number of the item.


Displays the description of the part.

Lead Time

Informs the user of the lead time before the item is likely to ship from the manufacturer.

List Price Each

The M.S.R.P. list price for the item

Extended List Price

The List Price multiplied times the Qty. Shows the total list price for the quantity of items ordered.





The third and final section of the page displays the pricing data for the order.



 There are several columns of information presented and each is explained below:




Total List Price

The total of all the line items extended prices.


The factor that is used to calculate the Total Net Price. Total Net Price is calculated by multiplying the Total List Price times the multiplier value.


Special Authorization Number.

Total Net Price

The Total List Price multiplied by the Total List Price. This is the actual price charged by Whalen for the parts order.

Total Net Adds

Any additional items that have been added to the order. This value is added to the Total Net Price.


The total amount to ship the order.

Order Total

The total amount of the order. The Order Total is calculated by using the following formula:

    (Total List Price * Multiplier) + Total Net Adds + Shipping

Order Notes

Any notes that the representative feels are necessary to help explain the order or to convey special instructions to the factory. Once an order has been submitted this text cannot be modified.


Press the button to return to the Home page.


Once the order has been submitted to Whalen you will receive an e-mail similar to the following: