Search for a User
If you don't know the user's login name you can click the magnifying glass directly under the tool bar.
The "Search For A User" dialog box will appear and from here you can enter various parts of the user's first, last or user name and click the search button to attempt to locate the user's account.
In this example we are searching for a user named John Doe. We entered a first name and last name and clicked the button.
Note! search fields are not case-sensitive. The more fields that you entered the more specific your search will be. It is recommended that you use the "Contains" option instead of the "Exactly" option. Contains will find the characters searched for no matter where they are contained in the field. For example, if we searched for a first name of John, it will return any users with the word john in their name. If a user's first name was Johnny or has the letters john anywhere in the first name it would be returned in the results list.
The results will be displayed in the bottom of the search dialog box. See the figure below.
The results section of the search will show a maximum of fifteen user accounts per page sorted alphabetically by last name (a-z). If more than fifteen results are returned by your search criteria a list of page numbers will be shown at the bottom of the search results. To page between the results click the numbers at the bottom of the search results.
If your search criteria didn't return any users you will see a message stating that "No User Found".
Click to close the search dialog box and return to the User Administration page.